Zoltan portrait

Hello, I'm Zoltan. I'm a self-taught Front-end Developer with coding experience. I love building applications, focusing mainly on React and related technologies.

About me

From a very young age, I've always been fascinated by technology and how things work, especially digital devices. This curiosity fueled my desire to become a laptop engineer, but after a successful decade, I craved a new challenge and a way to leverage my problem-solving skills in a new way.
That's why I decided to dive headfirst into web development. I mastered the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I've gained some experience with PHP, MySQL, and Git. I'm also proficient in popular frameworks like React and Bootstrap, and I'm constantly exploring new technologies to expand my skill set.

My Skills

My projects


Work in progress!

A platform where you can find upcoming events using Ticketmaster API.

Made with: React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Framer Motion

Project I worked on

Portfolio 1.0

I built this early portfolio concept to improve my coding skills.

Made with: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript

Project I worked on


It's a small web app for recording Running and Cycling exercises, using geolocation.

Made with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Project I worked on

Guess a number

A simple game where players need to guess a number between 1 and 20. Based on feedback on whether their guess is higher or lower than the correct number.

Made with: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Project I worked on